Who is Actually Going to Read This?
/My mom. My mom will read this.
Starting a blog is an immediately humbling experience. There are hundred of thousands of blogs on the internet right now. Granted, a lot of those are dead, and many aren’t regularly updated, but still. Setting blogs aside, there are millions of websites on the internet; too many for any one person to read through.
So who on Earth, with the myriad options on the internet competing for their viewing pleasure, would decide to read this blog?
I have some ideas:
My mom (previously mentioned)
My sisters (thanks, sisters)
My dad (maybe)
My friends (one time)
My acquaintances (maybe one time)
Randoms (by accident)
Me (obsessively, everyday, over and over again).
On first glance, that’s not very encouraging. But in truth, this blog isn’t for you, the reader (which is probably me…wait, what?). It’s for me, the writer. I’m here to write shit and put it on the internet, where anyone might come across it, and possibly write terrible things about it. Unless it’s done in a journal or diary, writing needs to be shared. That’s the point. Stephen King once said that writing was like a form of telepathy; a way for what’s in one person’s head to enter another’s. And that’s what I want to try to do here. Put what’s in my head into a space where it can enter someone else’s. Maybe what I write will entertain someone else, or resonate with them on a meaningful level. If that happens, terrific. And If it doesn’t, at least the attempt was made.